
Hurley Youth Series: Jake Marshall

Last week, El Nino struck Southern California with its first wave of the much-needed rain storms. While more rain is expected, Southern California is looking quite sunny again.

In case you ever needed to find Jake Marshall, you could probably find him training in the waters. Hurley explains that Jake’s version of “Ball is Life” is actually “Surfing is Life”:

Jake Marshall who is 17, has been surfing since he was 8 years old joining the Hurley family since the age of 10.  Jake began competing at 10 and since then has won multiple amateur state and national championships.

Jake lives and breaths surfing, competing, training and pursuing his dream of being a World Tour Surfer.  Jakes surfing is polished, technical, with a modern approach and he’ll make a push into the Pro Jr. and WQS events this year representing the next generation from the US.

While Jake reminds us a little bit of another So. Cal legend, Kobe Bryant, get a better feel for who Jake in the video below :

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